金考汇教育 贵州省名校协作体2024-凯发官网首页

金考汇教育 贵州省名校协作体2024-2025学年高二联考(一)1英语答案,我们试题答案网高中试卷答案网目前整理分享关于该试卷的其他科目包含有语文、数学、英语、物理化学生物学、地理历史思想政治得系列试题及其答案,如需完整的答案j请关注微信公众号:考不凡
金考汇教育 贵州省名校协作体2024-2025学年高二联考(一)1英语答案部分示例:
第二节however,the third lane was a different story.as the old woman progressed further into theroad,a speeding car approached.the driver had not noticed her until the very last moment.with asudden wave of fear,the old woman's hold on the bucket loosened,and the apples scatteredin all directions.the car made a sudden stop,and the driver's heart pounded in his chest ashe realized how close he had come to a terrible accident.seeing the almost hit woman and the scattered apples.the first two drivers rushed out of theircars.among the growing traffic buildup,the third driver got out car immediately to join them.their hands move quickly to collect each one.the rush of traffic seemed to slow as onlookerscaught sight of the scene,their impatience momentarily forgotten.eventually,all the apples werecollected,and the three drivers helped the old lady to her feet.with a supportive arm on eitherside,she made her way back to the safety of the side walk.tears welled up in her grateful eyes asshe looked at the strangers who had come to her aid.but she had nothing but her bucket of applesto offer as a gesture of her appreciation.
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